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Blackburn Spiritualist Centre

Services - A brief overview.



Blackburn Spiritualist Centre holds services on Tuesdays and Thursdays.



Thursday Services are from 7pm, and are an hour long, with some ‘specials’ for an hour and a half.  This involves members of the public who are interested in ‘Spiritualism’, sitting in our Church as part of the congregation.  We have Guest Mediums (someone who can interact with the Spirit World, to convey messages to their loved ones who are still on the earth plain, and try to prove life is eternal), who hold the service and pass on messages.


A Tuesday sees our Divine Service, which is open to members of the public again to  sit in the Church as part of the congregation, but the Service is more about recognising the religious aspects, to Spiritualism and the Service entails, Divine hymns, A Healing Minute, Reciting the 7 Principles together (if you choose to join in), Philosophy and Mediumship.

Services and Information.


Opening Hours

Come Visit Us


See Posters for more information


Monday - 7pm - 9pm (Awareness Class) £4.00

Tuesday - 7pm (1 hr)  Divine Service - Freewill Collection

Thursday - 7pm (1 hr and 1.5hr services) £3.00/£5.00


Get in Touch

Mrs.Elaine Goodman (President)

Princes Street




01257 232848

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