Spiritual Healing is offered at Blackburn Spiritualist Centre, after Thursday 1 Hour services, and some Sundays.
We have 3 SNU (Spiritualist National Union) Approved Healing Mediums and currently 2 Trainees.
The SNU recognises three methods of Healing:
Contact Healing Where the Healing Medium seeks permission to place their hands on to the patient, while ensuring there is no cause for embarrassment.
Distant Healing Where healing is sent by the power of thought to someone who is physically present but is not receiving contact healing.
Absent Healing Where the patient is not physically present and healing thoughts are extended to them. Patients requesting Spiritual Healing are advised to ensure that they are consulting an SNU Spiritualist Healing Medium, who holds an up to date Accreditation card, issued by the SNU, which certifies their name, registration number, photograph and renewal date of registration.
(as taken from the official SNU website)
Our Centre offers all 3 types of Healing, We have 2 lovely relaxing Healing rooms, which offers a sanctuary for receiving Contact or Distant Healing, depending which the patient requests. We send out Absent Healing as part of our Sunday Divine Service.
If you would like to know more about Spiritual Healing, attend one of our services and speak to a Healer or email using the contact page. We look forward to meeting you at our centre.